Tuesday, March 10, 2009

They make it all better

I am not sure where I would be without the my kids, my mom and dad or my sister. Each of them have had and still have a significant place and importance in my life.
Noah and Aubrey have made every day that much better. They have made me appreciate the little things and inspire me to do great things. We laugh daily and God only knows where I would be today without them. They are my life and in each of their own way have brought me a love I never knew was possible. This photo was taken in Sept 2003 when I just moved to Oregon from California. It is one of my favorites of them. They both take care of each other and will never admit that in some way or another they need each other.

My mom and dad have taught me more about the importance of love and the daily grind of keeping a relationship going. They will be celebrating year number 42 this year. This photo was taken in 1992 after we moved into our new house in Southern California. The backyard was nothing but dirt. Not sure why they were out there but the hose came out and then a mud fight.

My sister is five years older than me and is my best friend. We shared a room until my brother's graduated high school. We had matching beds and as you can see in the photo some of our clothes were as well. I don't think she realizes how much she means to me and how that photo, taken when I was in kindergarten, shows how she would always take care of her little sister.