Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Movie Review (Kind of)

Yesterday I decided to rent movies to pass the time as we are now going on the third day school has been canceled. One of the choices was Mamma Mia! First let me say that I only rented this because both my mom and daughter love these types of movies. So last night I laid in bed and watched it with Aubs. I cannot even tell you how dull and weird it was. Perhaps it was because Meryl Streep was singing or the fact that Pierce Bronson was too! These two actors, in my opinion should not EVER do a muscial. EVER! And every other sentence seemed to break out into song. I know musicals do this. But even Chicago had real acting parts in between songs. I suppose it was a when your feeling like crap, it's cold outside, nothing else to do kind of movie.


Anonymous 10:59 AM  

I am a HUUUUUUGE ABBA fan, but I actually didn't even really like the musical, much less the "film adaptation." I can't feel too much malevolence towards something chock full of ABBA songs, but ultimately I'm lost on what everyone loves so much about it. I think it's just that they are "too cool" for ABBA, so it's their only opportunity to get to listen to the fantastic songs.