Thursday, May 26, 2005

Favorite and Least Favorite Things

My mind is numb and the creative process has come to a stop for the moment. I could not think of anything great to write about, so I listed my favorite things and least favorite. Enjoy

Favorite Things
* making someone laugh
* laughing til it hurts
* my daughter’s laugh
* b/w photos
* laying in bed listening to the rain
* the blueness of the sky at dusk
* the small cool breeze of the evening air after a hot summer day
* sharpies ( great to draw with)
* my car
* hearing the whole movie theater laugh during a great movie
* knowing my friends are happy
* my old cameras

* fortune cookies
* any poem by Langston Hughes
* my son’s giving heart
* Lilo & Stitch soundtrack
* artichokes
* my values
* lemon cheesecake
* putting on a shirt that comes right out of the dryer
* long uninterrupted bubble baths
* a good steak
* Tony Roma’s babyback ribs
* taking the road less traveled
* coconut lime verbena lotion

Least Favorite Things
* hearing people eat ice
* people who leave their blinkers on
* arrogant people
* rap music
* people who refuse to listen
* women who wear a colored bra under a white shirt
* people who act fake
* seeing my children sick
* flat tires* check engine lights
* having to navigate Lancaster ave
* judgmental people
* serious people
* Paris Hilton ( need I say anymore? )
* Hollywood liberals
* verizon wireless
* having to wait for someone to pump my gas ( I live in Oregon)
* banks that charge a fee for talking to someone on the phone
* hearing someone drag their feet as they walk ( how lazy can you be?)